Poor Bernard

I transgressed today. It occurred to me that when restrictions lift a little on the 29th I’ll be back at work and the Lakes will become a heaving mass of humanity. The forecast was reasonable...biting wind though ...
I decided to remind my body about movement and only walked about 6 miles or so but am shattered now with hips and knees unimpressed.

I went to visit Bernard’s seat. Bernard and I worked together at the local Citizens Advice Bureau many moons ago. Some years later he became very ill and I had a call from his wife saying he would like me to visit. I cycled from Grasmere to their lovely home not far from here and we sat and chatted looking out across Fairfield Horseshoe. I was in my early 20’s and Bernard was as ill as I’d ever seen anyone before; it came as a big shock and he died a couple of days later. This is his memorial seat, sadly the worse for wear ...
I sat remembering how he’d told me his grandchildren loved him to read ‘Not now, Bernard’, their favourite book.

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