Hurrah for the NHS (Dentistry division)

Please let it be grit in the muesli. No it’s bits of broken tooth. It feels like broken glass when I rub my tongue over the wreckage.
I phone the dentist at 10-15am. 
“Does it hurt?” Only when I rub my tongue across it I foolishly say, condemning myself to a wait of months to be seen.
“Can you be here at 10-45?” What today?
“Yes. It will be Mr Kemp” Not Mr Balki? (My dentist for 15 years. An interesting Iranian. An engineer he retrained as a dentist in Sweden. While there he collected funds to support our miners’ strike. We discuss philosophy and left-wing politics . Well he does. My mouth is generally full.
“Mr Kemp is very nice” Ok I will be there.
So here I am as the photo shows. Facing the radioactive door with only my crossword and hand sanitizer for company.
The door opens and I am invited in by a handsome youngish man whose full name turns out to be Yoganandda Kempegowda. He introduces himself by telling me that he is Indian, he has got all the qualifications and that he has practiced in the UK for 16 years.
I put him and his very young assistant at their ease by asking them whether they know that it is Ralph McTell on their radio ( singing Streets of London of course) and that he will be performing on stage in Northampton later on this year, lockdown willing (He must be at least75. I saw him live at university)
He did me a temporary filling and all was well. (My gag reflex proved to be in fine fettle when he put those cardboard things in my mouth for the xrays.). Then he went over the xrays very patiently – a bit like surveying the ruins of Dresden-  and we worked out a plan and costed the options. A lot of talk about trying to get a few more years out of teeth that are 80% fillings.
So why am I feeling a little uneasy?
Does Yoganandda/the receptionist feel that they need to anglicize his name so as not to put people off.?
Would a white British dentist have felt the need to start with a run-down of why they are qualified to do the job?

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