Rainy corner.

I've treated myself to a 1.4 teleconverter, that came today - I only ordered it yesterday. All sounds very technical, but sometimes I just want a little more 'reach' and hopefully this will give that.

Of course, ideally I'd have headed to the reservoir to have a play with it,  but it's rained off and on all afternoon, so the best I could do was take a rainy corner in the garden from the bedroom window.

Today Emmeline our Granddaughter got her glasses. No one knew how bad her eyesight was until a couple of weeks ago when her left eye kept rolling into the corner. It was horrible to see on the portal screen as I was reading to her, obviously she was very close to the screen. Hayley said she 'proper' cried as she watched Emmeline's reaction seeing the world for the first time as we see it. Her prescription is very high 7.5 and 8, so she will have to slowly get used to wearing them. We now know why she never wanted to draw or colour in. Poor little girl. But it's been caught early, she's not yet 4 1/2. I've added the picture Hayley sent in extras.

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