Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


I have devoured this Maggie O'Farrell as I have almost all of her books. She has an incredible ability to make me weep and I just love it. I am pleased that in this book she has not re-written her previous offerings and there is not a single case of concealed parentage. As far as I know this is her first historical novel, a genre I am more familiar with in the hands of Tracy Chevalier. But Tracy always manages to include a passage of really seedy sex whereas when Maggie writes sex it is always joyful and fulfilling.
And if you weren't aware of which item of furniture William had bequeathed to Anne, then the passage about new furniture purchases would skim over you perfectly innocently.
I can't wait for the library to re-open to shelf-browsers. It's all very well trying to work out what you want and then finding out whether or not it is available, and then getting in the queue, waiting for weeks and weeks and then all your reservations arrive at once.
The other alternative is to see what they have available, and then try to work out whether or not you want to read it. Shelf-browsing is so much more satisfying, and it will be wonderful once the libraries are open late enough for me to reach them on weekday evenings as well as Saturdays.

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