
This was the only pic I took today.

A few little jobs done but I was a bit worried about C today. She was very agitated and her BP was higher than it should have been. An hour later it was back to normal.

We have a trend at the moment, if we are watching something on TV. She will pick up on the subject and then ask me about the subject. So today we watched Combat Hunters, she suddenly asked me if I'd got my guns safely put away or had I sold any lately.? %&£

Today also she has been wanting to go out in my car, but couldn't remember how to drive it and where were the keys? I remind her about lockdown every 10 minutes I guess but she

forgets just like that.. Where are the keys, she says, I really ought to be going..

Kate had her 1st Vaccine jab today down at the Uni just 10 minutes walk.

My back/leg problem has played up today with intermittent numbness in my legs it's strange trying to walk when you can't feel one leg. Shoulder is also a real git but I keep taking the tabs and having the jabs.. Its got two chances..

Stay safe all



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