Glamming up

Been thinking about Ingeborg’s ‘Party’ theme (to celebrate the 300th Abstract Thursday) on and off all day. Keep returning to this bejewelled lid on a trinket box.

The sparkles, if real, would be perfect for (Princess) Kate to wear to the ball.

Miserable weather. Drove to Westbourne. 10 minute walk round the shops. Wandered down to the ‘quiet end’ and discovered a wonderful new plant-based shop (eat-in and plants). Spoke to one of the 2 owners, an interesting, stylish, artistic Portuguese woman. The shop’s called Dane and Port (For Danish and Portuguese - reflecting the owner’s origins). Can’t wait to try.

Back home and made red cabbage for ‘E’ (he can’t get enough of it), and Mr B made him his sumptuous Italian meatballs.

22:45. Time to switch off.

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