
By randomgirl

Rainbow Connection

I keep running out of time today to do things how I'd like to ideally. My walk was pretty much just snatched at the end of the day, just as the weather was starting to deteriorate badly, into cold, slanting rain that I couldn't find any shelter from!

But in the middle part of the walk the rain eased off and just before that I turned to look back and saw a huge rainbow had suddenly appeared behind us! It certainly cheered up the feeling of the walk.... even if my dog didn't appreciate being made to stand still in the rain while I took some photos.

Sadly my phone camera doesn't seem to capture a rainbow very well, so this is best I have to show for it. I liked the composition of this one anyway, even though it doesn't reveal the whole complete arch.

Does anyone else know the song that my title alludes to? A particular favourite of mine.... sung by Kermit the Frog in one of the Muppets movies I think! It's sentimental, but I love it ;)

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