The Zoo

I hadn't been to the Zoo in at least a couple of years, Covid notwithstanding. My granddaughter is on spring break (from her remote first grade) so I decided the kids needed a good adventure today. The tickets are timed and only sold on line so I ordered some for this afternoon. I picked them up this morning, and first we went to what we affectionately call "The Farm Store" where they have 950 chickens who lay 240 dozen eggs each week for the store...and are tended by two huge dogs who live outside on the farm and fend off coyotes and birds of prey. The dogs, Ivy and Basil, are so affectionate and the children love them. Anyway, we had fun with the dogs and chickens (and bought some great cookies for our picnic). Everything at the store comes from within a 30 mile radius, which I think is really cool.

Then we went to to the Zoo which was a long walk for a 3 1/2 year old, but he didn't want the stroller and raced around almost the whole way. He fell asleep within minutes of getting in the car. There were quite a few people there, but it seemed safe, and we sanitized our hands often and wore our masks. And the kids really had a blast. I think it was really cathartic in a way...they could really (kind of) act like kids for a couple of a new normal sort of way I guess.

At any rate, a lovely ranunculus from the garden today, in lieu of lions and giraffes :-)

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