
By Upoffmebum

Then there were four....

Only a few days after the first of the Strelitsia's flowering stages, involving the pivoting ascension of a bright blue pointed 'tongue' and an accompanying set of brilliant orange bunny-ear petals, there appeared three additional, fully-formed tongue-and-petal sets.
You can track the four sets in an n-shaped arc running from the newest blue tongue on the right of the photo, to the oldest by-now browning  tongue on the left.
If I haven't strongly implied it in the past, then I'm stating it categorically now: this flower's blooming cycle is nothing short of spectacular and magnificent.
The dazzling, contrasting colours; the intricate, almost delicate appearance coupled with such strong and resilient structures; even the sheer speed of each of the staged flowering sequences, mysteriously performed unobserved in the wee hours. All of these are taken as given for this remarkable flower; all part and parcel of its regular botanic cycle from stem to stepped unfurling to gradual decay.
What seems less widely appreciated is the sheer precision and rigorousness with which this complex cycle unfolds.The first tongue emerges then sets at exactly the right angle for its accompanying pair of bunny-ear petals to enfold from behind and above. As the next tongue-and-petal set begins to surface, the first set starts pivoting, wholus-bolus,  anti-clockwise, only pausing at the precise position that provides it with enough room to fully unfold and extend.
The same pinpoint accuracy not only applies to the next and subsequent growing stages, but also to the dying process of each stage. As the newest set 'clicks' into position at its peak of maturity, the initiating set takes a corresponding downward step towards its final demise.
Like an old-school Swiss watch (as in a watch from Switzerland), it's a complex and intricate mechanism, with each component part indirectly but absolutely connected to - and dependent on - all of the other components.
But unlike a watch, this flower's complex mechanism never seems to falter. It's always accurate and precise, on time, every time, and reliably  fascinating to observe. 
If you were game, or confident you could withstand the collective groan, you might be tempted to say it's as regular as clockwork.

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