Keep it simple?

A good basic day. Things are mostly best to try keep very simple. Of course sometimes it is not possible, but you always can give a try...

Thanks for your kind stars and chat yesterday. Hope you like these potatoes of today, as I really made an effort to capture the boiling bubbles between them, but tried to avoid the steam... ;)

Did you know that the potatoe is called Peruna in finnish and that the word comes from ground pear - or ground apple as in french , as it is in french called pommes de terre...

In Finland many people don't eat potatoes any more, as they think it as a fattening poison (and to be honest maybe I should not eat it either because of it's great amount of clucose). It however is an essential crop in Europe, where per capita the potatoe-production is still the highest in the world. And did you know, that the most rapid expansion over the past few decades has occurred in southern and eastern Asia: China is now the world's largest potato-producing country, and nearly a third of all the world's potatoes are harvested in China and India.

So I keep it simple today: Potatoes, some meatballs and salad - and the dinner is ready!

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