Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

Flowering apricot bud.

Not a wonderful shot, but  I still have to gather speed. 

Years ago I posted a bud which was destined not to open, or so I thought, Fortunately the bud who is our youngest grandchild is gradually blooming. 

Little R, when diagnosed with ASD was at a stage when it was almost impossible to interact with him. If I gave him a new toy, he would fling it away immediately. I was already  aware of the situation, but there was a great deal of denial and anguish which affected all of us like being hit in the stomach and being permanently winded, unable to relax and enjoy the good things in life,

In the last few years he has every assistance under the sun, most of which  has been provided by school and social services integrated with  twice weekly, private therapy and bben seen by numerous specialists.

The result so far is a happy child who is currently in his third year at school and doing ok with a little suppport. He goes to rugby training twice a week, bravely facing  his emotions and doing his self control routine. It's hard to watch sometimes and seems so unfair that a little guy should have so many battles to fight. 

He loves puzzles, lego, electric trains and above all, anything to do with circuses. He is full of questions. sings beautifully while he plays, talks a lot and speaks with a pronounced Scottish R.

He is very gentle with the family dogs and kind to children who are upset. Last year, on his mother's birthday, he wrapped up his favourite toy to give to her. We were sitting in the garden, knowing that he was about to exit the front door with the present, but it took him ages to come out. because the emotion was too powerful. 

So here we are, the bud is flowering and we are all hoping it will develop into a great fruit.

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