
Today was the last day of school and nursery for the bigger wildlings. Xander was absolutely knackered and was struggling to wake this morning so I decided to keep them both at home .

So we started the morning off with homemade pancakes for brekkie. And then they wanted to make pink playdough. When the Jedi was sleeping the other 3 played with it for nearly a hour . That gave me time to get everything out the lounge and the floor swept in preparation for steaming it . I have gave away a lot of their toy's recently but I need to do another cull . They prefer to play downstairs than upstairs with them all.

I did make them play for a while upstairs while I steamed the floor's.

This afternoon I finished writing out the Easter scavenger hunt invitations and the Wildlings delivered them around the doors . And I wrote up the questions and have them organised for next week. My printer broke today but thankfully one of my neighbours is going to print them out . Another neighbour handed in some Easter eggs too. I'm excited to see what Tesco donate. I am picking it up tomorrow.

Mr R worked till after 9 last night so we had a extremely late dinner. I made him bring me wine to make up for it. I'm hoping he doesn't work that late tonight.

The Wildlings nana and grandad have been married for 55 year's today. I think that's a massive achievement.

The Wildlings have been fed and thankfully now chilling so I can get things cleaned up .

Have a lovely weekend. X

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