Ankle tights?
No time for a pretty picture today because, after a blustery start to the day, the phone rang and suddenly my new employer was asking me if I knew I was working today. What, today as in ... today? Yup, that was it.
I hastily prepped some lunch and snacks, and did the washing I didn't do yesterday, and headed off to the medical centre where I saw in the folks for their second jabs. Pfizer today. I think the oldest person I saw today was 95 years old, walking unaided. A fair few people have to be transported up the ramp in wheelchairs, but not this one. All went well apart from at the start when I tried to instigate a double-queueing system. It made sense to me, but not to anyone else! Once that was sorted, the patients flowed through at a fair old rate. The 15-minute wait after the Pfizer jab slows things down, of course. I only see the less mobile coming out, the others leave by a different door, but I try to say goodbye to everyone. I do definitely need a haircut or to tie my hair back: my fringe is so long I can barely see the names on the slips of paper.
Today's shot is of a list I found in a shop on the way home. No doubt you'll be wondering, just as I am, just what on earth are ankle tights?
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