Juno had the right idea today, staying put on his blanket, for it was chilly and grey for the most part. He was completely still – the blur on the photo is because I was leaning on one leg over the bin to try and get his face in the frame, but an ear was all I could manage. He was really tucked in! I assumed it was sharp so didn't take another snap.
We had an excellent game of string later on where I completely flaked him out. He was all black saucer eyes and pounce, pounce, pounce.
I managed to win at chess against Fred, although I still lost my queen early on. We've been watching Chess School – the teacher has quite a dry wit. My favourite comment so far is along the lines of "Tal played this match in [insert obscure eastern European town here]. After this match, the popularity of this town grew by 60%." We're getting quite good at guessing Tal's next move. "What would you do if you had white pieces?"
Tonight's entertainment was watching a players from South London Theatre put on a production, each from their own homes: Lunch Girls by Ron Hart. Because the ladies are each on their phone, it's a play that works well on Zoom. It was very well done, and I loved the 80s props and clothes.
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