
By carliewired

Down By the Riverside

I had to grab what
sun was on offer before
it could disappear

~ carliewired

I was up before 6. I sat slowly draining my coffee cup until beams of unexpected sunshine poured into the house about 8 AM. I headed out the door quickly as our forecast was for another dismal day. I didn't want to waste that warm glow if it was to be in short supply. 

The North Thompson River was smooth and calm. The air felt warm. The reflections in the water were lovely.  Could this be spring? 

My surprise was the scaups floating on the river. I'd not seen them before today. They must be on their way north to their breeding grounds. No females around that I could see, just the males. That golden eye is a standout. 

I posted my quilted heart on a pine tree when no one was watching. Then I skedaddled home. 

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