Well done Scotland last night in Paris..... fantastic game, great score.... and last few minutes were full of tension, but they pulled it off.  No shame to France, it was a good game.

Our cold weather is coming all the way from Greenland, bitter in the wind, although we did have some sun in the morning. 

 It was not really warm enough to have coffee out with Cali when she arrived, so we sat in the dining room (at least her in the dining room with the window open, and us at the door to the sunroom).  

We had a great chat, and we were celebrating her promotion, at least we were, she is very low key, but we are proud parents.

I saw the first lambs of springtime about ten days ago, but today was the first chance I had to photograph them.  It is not the best as they were quite far away up the field, but I wanted to record it.  The poor wee things, they must be frozen!!!!

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