
By Brotographer

Days like this...

This one song sums up how I feel today: Outside. Why? It's sunny and warm, for the first time in forever. Good old Mac Miller, his K.I.D.S. mixtape is one of the best things to kick to while the sun is shining! Brings me back to term 3 last year, the tunes made both studying and partying in our garden awesome! Check out Nikes On My Feet, Kool Aid & Frozen Pizza, Good Evening, All I Want Is You and The Spins. They've all good such good vibes going.

Really, I'm just working in my room on my project with Stana, but the weather makes it fine! A nice Newcastle Brown. Tonight, going over to Tom and Matt's and probably to Kelsey's after to chill.


So check the EXIF info on this photo. I KNOW RIGHT?
I had some better composed photos, but the focus was very slightly off. Damn f/1.2 aperture! This is my friend Ali, so much talking about him on my blip, but I realize I've never really posted a photo of him. Well, except for this one.

Man, I love Focus on Imaging. One of the biggest photography conventions, happening at the NEC Birmingham over four days. All the biggest photography-related companies have stands, as well as local businesses. There's famous photographers giving talks, companies showing off their flagship models, printing companies offering free prints, third party dealers with bargains...

There's a lot to do. Highlights:
? Shooting at 10fps on a camera with 120 shots buffer. Hello D4! Hands down the most ergonomic camera I've ever held, considering the weight. I think a lot of Canon users agree as well. No prejudice, but It feels much better than the 1D Mark X.
? The one and only 85mm f/1.2 lens. What a SICK portrait lens.
? Watching Karl Taylor busting glasses full of red wine for the sake of high speed photography. ON A HASSLEBLAD.
? Photographing Ali at 600mm, with a Nikon f/4 lens the size of a lamb.

It's still going tomorrow. If anybody wants to go, which I recommend, I've got a couple free passes left, so let me know!


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