Love is transparent

Another glorious day here is Budapest around 12 degrees and lovely to walk in although the temp has dropped to -2 now :-). I'm sat in a restaurant waiting for some of my team to come in we've had a successful visit from the customer so I'm taking them out tonight, well the ones that can make it. I have to fly to the Uk tomorrow so I get back to Wales early this week just in time for the rugby and Wales 21-9 win over Scotland :-)

I took this on the way to the restaurant I really like the way it's caught the young couple on long exposure like a pair of ghosts. Ok first of the guys have arrived so I'll catch up with you lovely people later.

One more thing, many thanks for the comments, hearts and stars for yesterday's (Skittles) blip as it is now known by me, thanks Tim :-) it made the Spotlight which is always really special.

Have a lovely evening my friends :-)


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