
A very pleasant day with Graham and Kat out and about in the province of Aydin. After brunch at My Bar, our cultural destination for this fourth lockdown free weekend was the extensive ruins of the Ancient Greek city of Priene, complete with amphitheater and temple of Apollo (today's picture) against the backdrop of Mount Mycale.  The weather was perfect - warm and sunny.  Though the terrain was hard going and the hill to get there a bit of a struggle for my dicky ticker, but oh my!  the views. You can see for miles (extras) - the physical geography of the Menderes Delta, all the wetland plains in view were once underwater, so that Preine was, as I understand it, across the sea from Miletus that we visited three weeks ago. Fascinating stuff - ancient history before our very eyes!

Back to earth with supermarket shopping, some of this and that at home for a while, and then dinner with Kat and Graham who'd cooked a tasty conclusion to this most enjoyable day.

Priene was an ancient Greek city of Ionia located at the base of an escarpment of Mycale, about 6 kilometres north of what was then the course of the Maeander River. It was 67 kilometres from ancient Anthea, 15 kilometres from ancient Aneon and 25 kilometres from ancient Miletus.  (wikipedia)

Further (interesting!) information about Priene here
More information about the Menderes Delta national park here
More about Mount Mycale and its history here

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