Outdoor special sunday lunch

Last few months has been quite a significant period in our life. Breathtaking and sweaty in many ways. So I made a proposal earlier in the week already, if the family would like to have some relaxed time out during the weekend. As everyone was very eager to do so, we agreed to have a family lunch outdoors. We decided to go and check the natural area hiking route of "Kivikesku".

I took a load of food for us (also drink water and food for the dog). In the blip they cook their dessert on fire. Our timing was perfect, just as we had had our lunch another family arrived and we left the fireplace. Because of the corona virus situation, only one group at a time can actually use fireclaces at a time.

The hiking route had excellent marks. It was snowy and the small hillside on the route was icy as well the lake. I must come here again at summertime. Today +5c.

It is odd, how a walk in nature makes you feel so much better and relaxed. Even better is to sit by the fire and smell the smoke - and chat over whatever with your dear family.


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