Lockdown 3 day 83

Last night
It was a success
Both tinkers settled quickly and slept well
I didn’t sleep as well as I hadn’t planned by bed as well as theirs and I wasn’t very comfy.
Munchie woke at 6:30
We went back to the house at 7:00
Daddy and scamp were both fast fast asleep

I ended up picking up the Morrison’s order
Slightly annoyingly
Lee was meant to go but things conspired against us

We didn’t walk this am
Daddy took scamp out
We did jobs and chilled

Lunch was eaten at some point in the day

Afternoon of watching sing, cuddles and popcorn and then we all headed out for a walk
I stayed out to get my steps in


Challenged the tinkers to horseradish
Was quite amusing!

Early to bed for all tonight

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