
These flowers were given to me by my cousin for making the wee baby jacket...we met in the car park of my local Tesco..!
We miss our cups of tea ..cake and chat...we talk on the phone it’s not the same!!

We also had news this weekend of two positive cases in staff in my Mam-in-laws nursing home...these carers are fully vaccinated and now have Covid....and apparently spreading will raise some ‘interesting questions’..for the health service..but most of all has closed down the NS just as safe visiting was to be reintroduced....we are very disappointed and worried as this was not a scenario expected...
There is a very slow vaccination rate here so it’s made us decide to be even more careful as these new strains are definitely much more contagious.

Hope all remembered to change the Time ...not that it matters much at the moment...just the ‘same old..same old’ every day...
Take care x

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