
By Photoliff

Sometimes it's quite good to be out late at night. Whilst I was out walking the dog around midnight, I came across a well-dressed 90 year-old lady who was lost and confused carrying some pyjamas she was convinced she needed to return to someone. 

I felt naturally concerned for her, and it was pretty clear to me that she had some form of memory problem making her very vulnerable. I dialled 999 and they were excellent, a short while later a couple of well intentioned police officers arrived. Thankfully, by this point, I had found an official local authority services letter on her that had her actual address on it. The police popped her into their car and left to take her back home. 

Afterwards, whilst relieved that she was going to get back safe, I also felt sad about the whole experience of ageing and the memory issues that can sometimes come with it.

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