If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Multi Exposure Daffodil.

A social day, well it was supposed to to be a working day but the weather wasn't prepared to play ball.   It poured down.  "The Mate" who is in a bubble with us so that Clickychick and him can work in the studio together, was going to help us remove a 1.6 m (51 6") stump.  

Previously we had left the stump for Ivy to grow up making a feature in the garden.  Changes planned for later in the year mean it has to go.  The plan was we would be using the chainsaw but the weather made such a prospect particularly dodgy.   So we just had to sit back and be sociable, what a shame.

All this meant I didn't think about blipping until late so the blip is a quickly taken multiple exposure of a Daffodil grabbed from the garden.

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