Place: St Pete, FL 71/81
Main activity: Sun - bike ride
Notes: Slept till alarm and felt surprisingly good and well-rested, rare lately. Warm and balmy morning, had a good ride and found more of the trails and route to connect to the Pinellas trail - did a strong 15 miles. This colorful little complex in Gulfport caught my eye. Made lemon pancakes with blueberries and an egg, watched the CBS Sun morning show - amazed to see a big segment on Catholic priest homosexuality ... and the US has supposedly hit 50 million fully vaccinated (interesting number to match the projected upcoming V deaths). Also, surprised to see a segment on Woody Allen (as well as the commentary on how interviewing him legitimizes his alleged sexual crimes) ... the world, it is a changin', subtly and directly. The Suez Canal remains blocked with the hilarious details of the Evergreen shipping company, ship call name H3RC, where Mossad and Baraka immediately flocked to it's aid ... and WMDQ was nearby. We are in fascinating times!

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