Return to the North

By Viking


Soooooo when I left NZ 5 years ago I was actually booked on a return flight but! My life in NZ had turned to **** and after seeing my family again I decided that I couldn’t go back.
My good friends stored my life in a container on their land and I had every intention of getting it shipped over. Alas the rising costs (spiralling even more in lockdown) meant that my dream was getting further and further away. Then at the back end of last year I made the decision to jettison my belongings but there were a few things I wanted to keep.
Here are two mugs that for some strange reason are very precious to me. They have literally been all round the world, twice now! And arrived today all in one piece! Two cups of tea in them already.
My life arrived in 3 boxes, one a computer, one fragile items (like these mugs) and one with paintings/ pics
The finality of the end of my life in NZ has made me quite emotional but it’s done I guess. I met and made some amazing friends there and maybe one day I will go back to visit, but I am glad that I am here. My life is simpler, I am with family and friends. I have a job I love rather than one that was literally killing me and now I have some familiar history back with me.
G and I were amazing to let me leave my stuff for so long in their land and even bigger legends for selling and sorting stuff for me.

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