
My Dear Princess, Loulou and Fellows,

Caro is away again, back up to Tauranga to hang out with her family for 10 days.

My plan is to spend this time productively on the podcast, but all that came to naught tonight on account of I COULDN'T BE ARSED.

I'm sure I'll be arsed tomorrow.

Being on my own means that I'm on full-on cat/hedgehog duty. It's not so bad, but the little furry people are complicated and have many rules. According to Caro.

Take Tortie Cat. By the time she rocks up, I have typically already put out the hedgehog food and Dave has had his fill. However, when Dave sees Tortie, he has now got into the habit of coming BACK because he knows she gets SPECIAL "Good Girl Tortie" food.

"She only likes mackerel," Caro told me. "She needs mackerel."

And, says Dave, I like mackerel too.

The other Tortie rule is that she will only eat her food under the grey plastic chair. 

"She doesn't want to be bothered by Dave," said Caro.

So when I saw Tortie tonight, I got up and prepared two plates of mackerel for the little cat, knowing that Dave would be around somewhere. 

But I couldn't see him. So I put Tortie's food under the grey plastic chair and just heard a disgruntled, "meowf!" from her.

And here he is in today's blip. Sitting under HER chair and waiting for HER food. 

"Thanks!" he said. And tucked in.

So I moved the plates and made sure she got her special "Good Girl Tortie" food. 

Dave got mackerel too.

It is quite stressful being in charge of the house.


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