By JAM28

Enjoying The End Result

I finished my stash buster blanket a while ago but never got round to blipping the end result, so here it is.

I’m in the ‘wiped out’ stage of my chemo cycle. Just getting washed and dressed finishes me off! I went out early with Mr M today to a garden centre but had to sit in the car feeling sick and dizzy.
So now I’m in the garden with a coffee :)
It’s warming up nicely so I won’t need the blanket for long - our temperature here in Wales is going to be much lower than other parts of the uk though, I think.
Yesterday, I saw lots of sunny pictures on blip but we had mist and cloud all day!
Hopefully we’ll get some nice days now.

I also have a full nest of chicks since yesterday, which is wonderful.  The student boys have returned for the Easter holiday and Miss M is here for a short visit on compassionate grounds. They all had negative Covid tests before travelling and we’ve refrained from hugging, in case they’re harbouring any other germs. I’m using a separate bathroom in the house and we’re all washing our hands like mad, so hopefully it will be ok. Three out of five of us have also been vaccinated and I’ve had both of mine.  I needed to balance out risk and mental health - mine and theirs! They need to see their mum and I need to see them.
It so nice to have them all home.

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