With a gleam in his eye
Thanks for all the heartfelt comments yesterday - we all go through yucky stuff in our lives, don't we? Good thing there are so many good things to offset the yucky stuff.
My new Nikon D600 and Nikon 28-300 lens arrived today. I waited a torturous 2.5 hours until the battery was completely charged and then I took 'er for a spin out back. Oh, I think it shall be a long and torrid affair, me and this camera. Big learning curve, too, and probably some lover's quarrels along the road, but what good relationships don't have their spats now and again, right?
I actually didn't take a lot of shots - by the time the battery was charged, my energy was on the wane and so was the light. But, I did stay outside long enough to take this shot of one of the downy woodpeckers. I loved the late afternoon light, and the way his eyes looked so bright and alert. I cropped this quite a bit - but I guess that is part of the fun of a large format camera!
I've got my appointment for my 5-year MRI (finally!) and follow up appointment with the surgeon who did my craniotomy. After this, assuming there's nothing in there but brains, I will no longer have to go for yearly scans. The appointment isn't until early May, but that's fine. Gives me time to work myself into a lather about the friggin' Tunnel of Terror! Ha!
I'll be back later. Need to execute some sort of plan for dinner now...
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