
By Groggster

What A Little Gem!

Today's image is of The Little Gem Pub in my home village of Aylesford. It was originally built in 1106 and restored in 1958. It was initially a private residence and obtained grade 2 listed status in 1959. 
By the 1960's it was a cafe and then in 1972 it became a public house - reputedly the smallest pub in Kent. I can confirm it is absolutely tiny - the main room consists of a bar on the ground floor (which is about the size of our kitchen - we live in a 1960's semi) and a split level upper room (about the size of our bathroom) with a view over the ground floor.
My main memories are of squeezing in there at Christmas or New Year's Eve when it would be standing room only - you could hardly lift your elbow to get your drink into your mouth! New Year's Eve could get particularly rowdy - 50 or 60 people rammed into a tiny space all singing at the top of their lungs and then spilling out on to the road outside to join arms for Auld Lang Syne at the stroke of midnight.
Another recollection is of an old man permanently dressed in a blue blazer with gold buttons who was always sat at the bar - think of an Uncle Albert type from Only Fools and Horses - he had his own stool and his own pewter tankard hanging from a hook behind the bar. His main, if not only topic of conversation, was "the good old days". 
Sadly The Little Gem slowly declined and closed for good in 2010. It was advertised for sale in 2014 by which time it had fallen into significant disrepair (even the listed bay window was removed and has never been seen again) and was earmarked for redevelopment into housing. This is when when some local residents started a Facebook group "Saving The Little Gem". 
Due to this concerted effort the redevelopment was avoided and it was purchased by Goachers Brewery in 2018.
The latest entry on the Facebook page is from 27th March and reads:
"So for those that hadn't already seen, today the sign writing was finished on The Little Gem. Although we don't know exactly when we can open yet, rest assured we'll open as soon as we are able to. Thanks to James for his excellent brush skills".
This was the first time I had seen the new sign writing in all it's glory. It looks fabulous! I can't wait to squeeze in there one day again soon! 
I apologise for the 'wonky donkey' image but this is actually what it looks like - there is not a single straight line anywhere!

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