
... cycle after work this year. Felt like hard work.
Lake levels high after the rain.

I’m too tired to think about any of this but am putting the following here to remind me that housing/planning seems to be a pretty flawed business ... we have a system in place to ensure affordable housing is created but we’ll ignore it if we want to and the price is right...

‘Section 106, Town and Country Planning Act 1990, provides a basis for agreement between developers and local authorities regarding the provision of affordable homes (“Section 106 agreements”). As a result, an industry of professional firms has evolved, whose purpose is to avoid or commute Section 106 obligations in return for a financial settlement with the local authority. See, for example, .

EDC is well familiar with this procedure and has taken millions in settlement of developers’ obligations on sites such as Carleton in Penrith. What happens to the money is none too clear, but it is supposed to subsidise other affordable developments.’

...yeah ...right ... I’m sure that’s going to happen.
There is a suggestion that it might be better to push for a much reduced, less impactful option without the affordable housing requirement rather than to oppose the revised application on the grounds that the original planning application that was put forward and accepted (by one casting vote) has been rendered null and void by its failure to comply with the section 106 obligations.
Strikes me as a lesser of two weevils option ...
Do you stick with the principles or opt for expediency ...

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