Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor


38 weeks pregnant today and feeling in limbo. Sleeping is difficult and I'm waking up in the middle of the night most nights and finding it impossible to get back to sleep. This morning I gave in at 5am and got up, came downstairs and made a pot of chicken soup then fell asleep on the couch until Orla woke me up at 8am. She stays with me in the morning then Mum and Dad come and pick her up, take her to nursery and bring her home after dinner, giving me the afternoons to myself. Yesterday she went with them quite happily, but today she cried because she wanted to stay here and watch another Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It makes me feel awful, but I do realise she is "at it" to a certain extent. I have the hospital again tomorrow, so that might crystallise some plans for what's coming next. The measurements on my sphyg at home have been fairly constant around 140/83. It's a bit on the high side, but not enough to worry them unless they detect protein as well I don't think. The question is now, will it be a scheduled induction, like with Orla, or is Ed going to have to make a mad dash back from

London? Only time will tell!

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