Pixelfoto's Journal

By Pixelfoto


It has been a very busy day and thankfully a warm and sunny one. First thing this morning I needed to be out early to deliver something to a person who does not have email and she needed information for tomorrow. Then it was our turn to be stewards for private prayer for an hour. The church was very busy, not so much with people praying but with people calling in to catch up with others who they knew would be there. All part of keeping in touch.

This afternoon I managed an hour of gardening. Mainly pulling up those little weeds with tiny white flowers (some sort of cress I think). Needed o do that before they went to seed. Managed to pull up a lot of the out of control geranium seedlings too. This evening we are giving a talk to a camera club near Bristol.

We were given this Pieris soon after we moved here, so about 17 years ago, and this is the first time I have noticed flowers on it. About time I thought.

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