The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

A Bluejay in a Palm Tree

This morning certainly was a "classic surplus of riches" camera roll and I came back with over 150 snaps in the camera. Why did I pick a simple Bluejay for today's blip? Because I never, that's never, seem to get a decent shot of these guys (Cardinals too). This one certainly meets the official Pepper Patch quality standard of not half bad, and I'm a very happy camera camper.

Now, as promised, the answer to yesterday's mystery gizmo. It's an "Autosnap" mechanical timer/shutter release which, when attached to a shutter cable (according to the insert that came with it), "takes your own picture as well as could be done by someone pressing the release for you".

Analog's answer to a smartphone selfie ... and the adventure through the viewfinder continues.

*in the extra, I found Charlie Brown's kite eating tree.

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