In my Heart

I found this in an Etsy shop on Monday and it was delivered today. Had forgotten I had ordered it. Had just come back from the docs as I woke up at 5 this morning and knew instantly I had some balance problems. Been feeling under the weather for a couple of weeks but this morning I felt dizzy (like waves) nausea, upset stomach and a tight /full feeling in left ear and nose with a horrible taste in mouth. I got a telephone appointment at 9.10 and appt to go in at 11. Got penicillin course.

So when I opened this it was a surprise for us and we both had a bubble, well prob more than that . This will go at the patio door wall where Breagha had her bed and watched over her land. Where she went out first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Where she kept watch for the ‘bad burdies’ (pigeons) and folks working in Barbara’s garden. Where she could keep an eye on what we were doing.

Watched tv most of the day. What the hell were the makers of Unforgotten thinking of. That was a solid 10 minutes of ugly crying. Don’t they know we are in a pandemic - it was more than we could emotionally handle lol!

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