
By lynnjones7186

Through the window

I thought it was about time that I showed you the kitchen at the Indian Restaurant. Last night presented me with the ideal opportunity. As restaurant kitchens go this one isn't very big, but the chefs, three in all, turn out a huge amount of food in a short time. The waiter always tells us that the wait will be 15 to 20 minutes, however, it is usually only 10 minutes before our first dishes arrive. The first rush had just ended when I took my shot and the chefs were preparing vegetables ready for the next rush.

Yesterday I had a two O'clock appointment at Immigration to renew my Visa. We left home at twelve thirty to allow for traffic. However, the traffic was very light and we arrived at the airport shopping mall, where we park, at 12.45. The walk to the Immigration Office takes 10 minutes, and that's walking slowly as it is very hot. Once there I had to wait for my Visa Agent to arrive. She arrived at 1.45 and ushered me through to the main office. Everything went very smoothly and we were on our way back home before 2pm. We paid a bit extra to get a visa that allows me to leave Thailand and return several times a year, wishful thinking, perhaps, but I would hate to get caught out.

I am abouts to add my shot from Tuesday.

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