Timely Advice

In our little corner of the North April 1st always feels like the actual start of Spring - we still have snowdrops in the garden, but the daffodils are now starting to opens, croci are blooming and buds are starting to form.

But...this year its also coincided with being allowed back into the mountains.

Normally I'd write about the Lake District or the Dales - but earlier this year I became an official Snowdonia Ambassador - so I thought I'd share some timely advice.

At this time of year the rare little dragons that the lands of the west take their flag from are just starting to emerge, this one, as you can see, is a Wood Dragon. Having been asleep all winter they can be especially grumpy & feisty - so unless you've had special training them please don't handle them. If your are lucky enough to find one then feel honoured - but if you get too close remember that burns need to be put under running cold water for at least twenty minutes.

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