
By BlueMerle

Dusty 2

Last night, I said to Farmergirl that I would blip the car today, so here it is. I do not use the wipers when it is very dry and dusty but a helpful child thought it would be of assistance for me to see out the back window, that was a couple of days ago when that happened.

This morning, the rock carting trucks have finished the job. Loaded up the Smoko Room, the shingle screen and the spare vehicles. The excavators are still placing in place the rocks for the spurs. The quarry guys are still uncovering more rock as they need some for another job.

So when I saw they were loading up all the gear, I decided to hose the car off - as I couldn't tell what was dust or what was car! It has been a dusty seven weeks that we have had to contend with all this extra dust due to these trucks carting rocks, and no rain!

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