... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

Garden: "Who let the d[uck]s out?"

Even friendlier in large
Extra: Evasive manoeuvres

Yay: the poultry housing order ended with March, so the duckules are allowed out of their run again! Im and I mooched with them outside in the early afternoon, and they did lots of grazing in the grass, exploring the flowerbeds, and sharing the little water bowl. They were also very interested in Im's (then) empty bowl...
They've very tame and comfortable with proximity (to varying degrees), but would still rather not be touched (see extra). It is mostly the transition between being on the ground and held that they dislike, as they calm right down if you pick them up and hold them securely.

Others here (or right from Friendly Flügel)

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