Staying local

In the middle of last year my passport expired. With lockdown and then requests to not apply unless essential, I set the task of renewing to one side.

While we have no plans this year to travel abroad a trip to the States next year is n the cards so I thought I’d better set things in motion.

Everything on line and once I had all the details ready and a digital photo taken the process took just a few minutes. No longer a need to get photo booth pictures certified by upstanding citizens who have known you for years ( good thing too as the photo booths are still sealed off).

I was kept up to date on progress, notified that the papers I had to submit had been received, when the passport application was approved, when the printing had started and when the document was being sent out.

I had anticipated a few weeks but from application to receipt of the new passport - 8 days.

Not a fan of the new style but no longer any choice with that.

And no early chance to use it even if I wanted to. But impressed with the process.

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