At A New Park.

We took the girls to a new park.  Well, it's new to me, but they've been there a few times.  In fact it's close to me than it is to them.

It's actually part of a new sports hub that's being built.

The girls had a great time, scooting, running, jumping, climbing, swinging and sliding.

And then things went a bit wrong.  Isabella started to feel unwell.  We thought she'd been on the swing too long.

Then on the 'one last time' go on an enclosed slide, Isabella hit her head.

So we decided to head back to my house, for a cup of tea.

But Isabella wasn't well.  She just wanted to lay around in the new dressing gown I'd bought her.

In the end they headed home.

A couple of hours later, Alexandra phoned to say Isabella's temperature was 40.3c.

I headed over, but by the time I got there her temp had started to fall and was down to 38.5.

She seems to have what Mia had the other day.  So, hopefully she will be better in a couple of days.

Mia, by the way, is now full of beans!!

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