Occasionally Focused

By tsuken


I took this photo - finding myself amused by all these trolleys apparently waiting in the taxi stand. 

Unfortunately, some young twit (who I think was probably quite thoroughly stimulant-ed, given his volatility) took it into his head that I was “taking a photo of [his] mrs?!!!” 

Anything I tried to say was met with a F*&^*K OFF - including offering to show him the photo that I had taken 

(fairly sure none of those are his mrs...)

Anyway, after a little time, he smacked my hand/wrist, and my camera plummeted to the ground. 

Flash popped up, battery compartment opened. Thank the Fates it didn’t seem to land on - or at all damage - the wonderful HD DA 21 Limited lens. However, the flippy LCD screen became unattached at one side. And thus very flippy.

Not a happy camper.

(To be continued)

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