The Daffodil Bouquet

Spring has sprung, more or less, in central Pennsylvania. Our yard is covered in yellow daffodils. Rain was expected on Wednesday and snow showers on Thursday, so on Tuesday morning and evening, I ran around the yard gathering armloads of golden blooms, shaking them carefully to remove any tiny spideys that might have wanted to ride along.

I found a ruby red glass vase, in which I arranged them. I am sorry you can't see the vase better in this shot, for it is a lovely thing. But you do get a sense of the profusion of lush yellow blooms. The pretty lacy shapes remind me of the southern belles in their cotillion dresses. The yellow shines out like so many tiny golden suns. . . .

The soundtrack song I've picked is this one, by the album of the same name, which I think very well of. Here is Glass Tiger with Diamond Sun. I'm providing a link to just the song, as well as to the full album.

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