What a morning, out early in thick frost, and when I got home the central heating was not working again (just waiting for the man to come back). Could not believe it, then went into the bathroom and the light broke. So between the electric  blanket, the light bulb and the central heating, just hope that is all. I then had to get over to B&Q for a new light, was there just after 8am so at least it was quiet. Have had to hang around for the rest of the day waiting for the repair man. Have not seen a deer at the canal for along time, so was pleased to get this one this morning. My extra is the first Peacock butterfly I have seen this year.
Repair man has just been and now ordered a new pump, so fingers crossed the heating stays on until it comes next week. I am done in now, so hopefully after I get my meal and take the dogs out I will sit down and chill out.
Have a lovely Easter everyone.x

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