Nicktor's news

By Nicktor

Annual Tour of Duty

Every year, the Shots designate one away game as the official Tour of Duty.  The rules are very simple - lets try and get as many fans to an unlikely away game and turn the crowd red and blue as if it were a home game.  This has been running for eleven years now, but unfortunately last year's game was cancelled and this year looks equally unlikely.  So, the plan was for as many fans as possible to decorate their living rooms during this afternoons live stream of the home game against Stockport.  I duly obliged, but sadly it wasn't enough and the Shots went down to a 2-1 defeat to the opposition who have a budget of around five times ours.  Surprisingly, this was the first time that an Aldershot team has lost at home to Stockport.  Ever....  Ah well.  Bring on Monday

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