Bestest afternoon ever!

This afternoon we went to a BBQ. 6 humans in the garden. It was fabulous. We haven't been able to meet up with more than one person in Scotland since last September. It was like life had gone back to normal.

Because it was such a lovely hot sunny day it's the type of thing we would have been doing in 'normal life' anyway. Here I am being Blipped with Derek & Margaret who invited us. Derek cooked all the BBQ food and honestly there was so much Ann doesn't think she'll need to eat for a week. She ate haloumi, prawns, lamb, pork belly and chicken. Yum, yum, it smelt delicious but she didn't share?!!

I had to have a little pep talk before we went because the BBQ was at Ozzy's house. For those of you who follow our Blips regularly, you will know that Ozzy, (the Golden Retriever), was MollyCollie's toyboy. He's an old boy now. He's 13 and he's hurt one of his paw pads so he has to take it easy. Ann said if I did any of my silly bouncing around puppy type stuff she would put me back on my lead and tie me to a chair.

However, I was very good apart from eating some cous cous and a bit of sun dried tomato off Amy's plate. I didn't annoy Ozzy at all and I had a lovely play in his big garden. The very first time I went to a BBQ was two years ago when I was only a few months old and I had a lovely play with Ozzy. Today everybody said what a big grown up, well behaved little doggie I have turned in to so Ann was very, very, proud of me.

Ann had an even lovelier time than me. You have absolutely no idea how happy she was to be able to meet up with all her friends again.

Having said that, socialising has made us both very tired. I'm already flaked out. We're going to watch EastEnders and then it will be an early night I think.

Toodles. xx

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