Good good Friday

I love good Friday, it’s like a while free day of gorgeousness. I woke up still pissed off about work so set forth in changing my mood. Walk on the beach with Rosie, then I did a pile of cooking and Jay and I built the veg bed my work friends bought me for my birthday last year.

We both took our standard roles in building stuff. I did a load of stuff wrong, Jay redid it correctly, then I decided it was all done while Jay pointed out where were still wrong and wonky bits. I said they didn’t matter, he corrected them all and made it better. Anyway, it’s enormous! Next step getting the huge amounts of compost.

Then a swim with Emma- sunny, choppy, brilliant. Proper hard swimming to get anywhere against the current, it’s like one of those never ending pools.

Then I sat in the garden with my feet up, my book and a beer. And fell asleep!

Tip top day.

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