
Everyone so excited to see the sun today!

Al came home from school and went straight into the garden and didn't come indoors again for two hours. He even did his homework out there.

I've long since learned that the very worst way to try to get Al to do his homework is to try to get him to conform to the norms of things like sitting at a desk, stting still, or straight, having the room free of music, or chat, or people, or cats. I suppose people might disapprove but forcing Al to sit with back straight, at a desk, ends up with us both in a frame of mind so counter productive it's a toss-up between which one of us might scream first.

Now he potters off to do his homework pretty much however and wherever he chooses. Not whenever though - if it were up to him when he did it, he would never do it!

Betsy and I are reading To Kill a Mockingbird together, and she picked up a copy from the school library to read at break, and discovered it is full of someone's pencil notes from their GCSE's. It's like The Half Blood Prince and we are enjoying the added dimension of this anonymous persons take on the story! Sectum Sempra!

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