Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Easter Saturday

Last night there was another burglary in our neighbourhood. The thieves are totally professional, they wait for the occupants to leave the house and are in and out the house in a flash - last night it took 4 minutes and they took jewellery and designer handbags. Despite everyone here having alarms and CCTV, the thieves are quite brazen as they know that when the alarm goes off they can grab what they want and get out before the police arrive and don't care that it is all recorded on security cameras. Most houses on the estate have signed up for extra private security so we have a patrol car on duty every night, but the estate is large and the owners of the house had not linked them as the first respondents when the alarm goes off, so by the time they got there after being phoned by the alarm company, the thieves had already gone. The police suspect it is a highly organised South American gang, who were previously caught but then let out on bail and disappeared....At least it is only high value items that are taken and not violence to people or pets. We had extra security cameras fitted two weeks ago and I don't leave any jewellery lying around the house, but we have to be careful. It sounds bad as it comes after another break in two weeks ago, but this is a recent trend since the pandemic and the police are convinced they will catch this gang. 

It was quite cold today, this morning it was cloudy with a cold wind but later we had moments of brightness and some sunshine. Gavin is thrilled to be back on the golf course today now that the Covid regulations allow golf to be played once again.

I spent the afternoon being a domestic Goddess, I made the same chocolate torte that I made a couple of weeks ago - it is wickedly chocolatey which is appropriate for Easter - I also made the stuffing for the rolled lamb I intend to roast for tomorrow's lunch. I had to first dry out the gluten free bread in the oven and then make breadcrumbs from that before I could add the apricots, mint and walnuts to make the stuffing. But at least I am not cooking supper tonight, we are getting some take away sushi from our favourite sushi restaurant in Wimbledon.

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