
By D77

Work, students and the trouble with blogging.

A student approached me yesterday to say that she was unhappy that she found her image on the internet. She did a quick Google search of the college where I work and one of my blips appeared. At the time, I did get her permission, and did explain what I was going to do with the image, but it seems the possibility of having her family and friends accidentally stumble upon it (rather than just the blip community and my friends and family which is what I told her) goes against her cultural values somewhat*.

It doesn't pay well to go about upsetting people out here and so after a wee chat with blipcentral, the image has been removed (and another posted in its place). The other images I've posted of students shouldn't pose any problems as they are mainly of the more western thinking Muscat residents for whom things like this don't bother them at all. Well, I hope not anyway. I think by and large I'm very positive when it comes to talking about the students and the good aspects of teaching out here. What worries me slightly is any one of my colleagues finding out about my journal. That would make life a bit difficult but I suppose it would serve me right if that problem arose (and it would serve them right for being spasmongorons in the first place).


My lovely blipcards and Founding Members' badge have arrived safely at last. The badge is great, and is now pinned proudly to my Crumpler bag. As for the blipcards, it would probably be wise to keep them to myself for a wee while, so the first one goes to this guy.

I don't have a name for him yet so suggestions are welcome!

* It goes against my values to have pictures of me posted on FacebloodyBook (I feckin' hate that website) without my permission ever being sought (especially wedding ones), but what can you do? Nothing.

As a not entirely unrelated aside, I heartily recommend Ben Elton's 'Blind Faith' which is a brilliant satirical look at Facebook and religion all rolled into one.

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